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Product overview

The calculation program PowerFactory is a computer-aided engineering tool for the analysis of transmission, distribution, and industrial electrical power systems. PowerFactory was designed and developed by DIgSILENT GmbH. It is a software and consulting company providing engineering services in the field of electrical power systems for transmission, distribution, generation and industrial plants. In addition, DIgSILENT has a particular interest in the fields of simulation and grid integration of renewable energies. For more than 30 years, DIgSILENT has been improving calculation tools for users’ needs.

Now PowerFactory is the leading integrated power system analysis software, which covers the full range of functionality from standard features (Base Package) to highly sophisticated and advanced applications including wind power, distributed generation, real-time simulation and performance monitoring for system testing and supervision. For various applications, PowerFactory has become the power industry’s de-facto standard tool, due to PowerFactory models and algorithms providing unrivalled accuracy and performance.

Every year PowerFactory is improved by adding new functions, modules, and features. The latest version is PowerFactory 2022, introduced in February. You can find an exciting development for Quasi-Dynamic simulation, Modelica supporting, Optimal Recloser Placement command, as well as Power Equipment models enhancing.

Overview of completed projects

For more than 30 years, PowerFactory has been used by power systems specialists (over 12,000 licenses) in 150 countries to solve the whole spectrum of planning and control issues of electric networks and systems with voltage of 0.4–1150 kV. The concept of vertically integrated software allows to use PowerFactory effectively for various applications in different market segments: generation, transmission, distribution of electricity, power supply systems of enterprises, distributed generation, renewable energy sources, design organizations, etc.


PowerFactory as a comprehensive tool for modeling, analysis and planning of electric power regimes is successfully used in companies - leaders in the power industry:

  • Electric utilities - industry leaders
  • Design, R&D centres
  • Engineering and Consulting Companies
  • Market regulators
  • Industrial companies


Main highlights

PowerFactory software is a combination of Base Package and Advances Features for any end-user needs. The PowerFactory Base Package provides analysis modules coupled with a wide range of power equipment models, integrated tools and features for fundamental PowerFactory applications.

  • Load Flow Analysis

  • Short-Circuit Analysis

  • Sensitivities / Distribution Factors

  • Basic MV/LV Network Analysis

  • Power Equipment Models

  • Network Representation

  • Network Model Management

  • PowerFactory Administration

  • Network Diagrams and Graphic Features

  • Results and Reporting

  • Data Converters

The Base Package can be extended using a wide range of additional functions according to specific user requirements. In addition, various interfaces are available to further customise the PowerFactory package.

  • Contingency Analysis

  • Quasi-Dynamic Simulation

  • Network Reduction

  • Protection Functions

  • Arc-Flash Analysis

  • Cable Analysis

  • Power Quality and Harmonic Analysis

  • Connection Request Assessment

  • Transmission Network Tools

  • Distribution Network Tools

  • Outage Planning

  • Economic Analysis Tools

  • Probabilistic Analysis

  • Reliability Analysis Functions

  • Optimal Power Flow (OPF)

  • Unit Commitment and Dispatch Optimisation

  • State Estimation

  • Stability Analysis Functions (RMS)

  • Electromagnetic Transients (EMT)

  • Motor Starting Functions

  • Small Signal Stability (Eigenvalue Analysis)

  • System Parameter Identification

  • Scripting and Automation

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Interfaces

  • DPL/DSL/QDSL Encryption

Using PowerFactory functions you may ensure the following calculations:

  • Calculation of symmetrical and asymmetric steady-state modes, short-circuit currents for 1-, 2- or 3-phase networks of arbitrary configuration of alternating and direct current.
  • Station group regulators modeling, primary regulators and automatic frequency and active power control (in particular, for setting the distribution of active power unbalance between stations and analysis of steady state post-emergency conditions when calculating N-1, 2 ... for blocks).
  • Analysis of voltage regimes and planning of reactive power reserves using the methods of PV- and QV-curves, VQ-sensitivity and Jacobian modal analysis.
  • Сonducting time-related and scenarios development-related schemes.
  • Low voltage network analysis and distribution network optimization.
  • Optimization (linear and nonlinear) of the modes of constraint-set power systems, including cross-sectional flows, limits of reactive power regulation by station regulators, active power by automatic frequency and active power control regulators, etc.
  • State value.
  • Modeling of electromagnetic and electromechanical transients, calculations of static (modal analysis of the characteristic matrix, QR algorithm) and dynamic stability.
  • Creation of custom models of regulators, for example, automatic excitation control, and identification of their parameters according to real test data.
  • Calculation, modeling and coordination of relay protection and automation systems, power electronics devices, FACTS.
  • Modeling and analysis of heavy and emergency modes, N-1, Nm.
  • Calculation and analysis of reliability, harmonic analysis.
  • Integration interfaces with WAMS, SCADA, GIS, DB systems.
  • Any other computational opportunities.
PowerFactory supports various ways of research automation organizing from its own programming language (DPL) to supporting the PYTHON:

  • Automation using the Python programming language.
  • Using own DPL programming language for writing scripts.
  • Module for creating your own custom parameters for network elements.
  • C ++ API for PowerFactory external automation.

Funсtions and modules

Product applications

Price Overview

PowerFactory pricing policy depends on the needs of a particular customer. The required functionality, completeness of licenses and, accordingly, the price depend on several factors:

  • Type of license: single-user, multi-user or server versions.
  • Functions required. There are standard sets of PowerFactory software package: Basic, Distribution networks, Transmission networks, Industrial enterprises, Business (design organizations). In addition, it is possible to create a personal package of functions or supplement the standard set with the advanced ones.
  • The number of nodes at the user's choice: 100, 250, 500 and an infinite number of nodes.
  • Number of licenses purchased: each next license costs significantly less.
Thus, an individual pricing policy allows the consumer to choose the most suitable option in each case, taking into account the individual needs and form a package of modules that meets the exact customer’s requirements.


RTSoft offers the following services:

Implementation of software package on the turnkey basis

The maximum efficiency of any complexes is ensured provided the successful implementation of the software package. Our highly qualified in the field of electric power team will carry out a set of works for quickly launching a new business process:

  • Business processes analysis of the company structure
  • Analysis of client tasks, methods for solving them, and selection the most appropriate PowerFactory software feature set
  • Creation of a roadmap and PowerFactory implementation plan
  • Justification of staff units with identification of potential effects of creating a new business process
  • Adaptation of PowerFactory to customer requirements, writing scripts for automation of calculations; integration with other software used by the client
  • Organization of source data collection for creating digital models
  • Maintenance in the field of creating a database of electrical equipment
  • Formation of corporate identity and rules for creating digital models
  • Organization of interaction and joint maintenance of the model
  • PowerFactory staff training
  • Technical support for users;

Supply and implementation of PowerFactory software:

  • Supply, installation and configuration of PowerFactory software
  • Training users to work with software
  • Technical support for users

Consulting and engineering services:

  • Modeling and analysis of electrical modes
  • Development of proposals to improve the reliability of power supply systems
  • Modeling and comprehensive optimization of thermal power stations
  • Feasibility study and optimal equipment selection
  • Optimization of energy supply costs for enterprises
  • Development of concepts, technical requirements, standards
  • Software maintenance



RTSoft offers an additional service - specialized full-time and distance training courses on work with software systems. Depending on the customer needs, a detailed training program is formed, appropriate for a certain number of participants and covering all the necessary PowerFactory modules and functions overview. Full-time classes are held at the RTSoft Training Center in Moscow or directly at customer’s site. Distance learning is carried out in the form of online webinars. Training is provided by the leading RTSoft specialists - certified tutors with rich practical experience. Participants receive a certificate of advanced training after finishing the course.

Course title

Course length, number of days

Using PowerFactory software to simulate electrical networks and systems modes


Using PowerFactory software to simulate electrical network modes and stability


Distribution network modes analysis and optimization based on PowerFactory


Calculation of fault network conditions, short-circuit currents, modelling and analysis of relay protection and automation based on PowerFactory


Technical support

RTSoft localizes the PowerFactory software package, updates software products and provides technical support to users, publishes operating manuals, training manuals and videos.


We provide our customers with:

  • Software updating
  • Edition of up-to-date operation manuals, training videos, provision of additional methodological and other materials
  • Consultations with RTSoft specialists at technical support website
  • Timely adjunction and updating of the digital database of power equipment models including RPA models